Do you want your to hear you better?

Get your free copy of my e-book to learn the 9 habits that will help you stop
wasting money on wishful marketing and start investing in communication that
gets you heard.

working with me

I’ll teach you how to tell the stories of your life, your mission, your product or your company in a way that creates immediate impact in others. This impact can attract attention, build trust, increase revenue or even change the world. In the end, I use verbal and visual storytelling to transform the value you bring to the world into a true asset you can use to help achieve your goals.

Everyone has something to say. Today there are a lot of people talking, but there aren't a lot of people listening. If you're going to make an impact you need to get heard and that's what I help you do.

The ultimate result
You attract clients, workers and partners that are right for you, you separate yourself from all their other choices and most importantly of all, you make it clear in their mind, why you are the best choice for them not only today, but from today on.

Available forms of collaboration:
- conference
- workshop
- on-line course
- coaching/mentoring
- film

Film is life out which we took all the boring bits. I will teach You to make a film that won't bore anyone. Even years later.

The End Result
You make a documentary or a reportage. You win a festival and recuperate the investment from the prize. You make viral movies drawing the attention of millions of viewers on YouTube. You change somebody's life and world. You live your passion as you like, with whom you like and when you like... and perhaps even for how much you like.

Available forms of collaboration:
- conference
- workshop
- on-line course
- coaching/mentoring
- film


My ideal client, the one for whom I can deliver the biggest impact, has something of value that needs to be presented in a unique and powerful way. It could be a powerful idea, an important cause, or a launched product or service, during the launch. Whether my client is an entrepreneur, expert, executive at a successful corporation, the goal is the same: I help you communicate what you have to tell the world in a way that generates a powerful response.


To be clear, hiring me for one-to-one storytelling coaching or custom video work is not a good fit for some of the people I would like to help. My custom work is quite expensive because it is a unique combination of science and art.

Many people can communicate facts, but facts don’t get to the heart of what makes people act. Telling your story or the story of your organization, product or service in a way that creates impact requires three things. First, it requires the ability to see the right story to tell. This is not always obvious and many individuals and companies struggle simply because they aren’t telling the right story. They tell the story of their organization or cause based on what they want to say rather than understanding what their listeners want to hear. Second, you need a deep understanding of the human beings on the receiving end of your message. Finally, you must understand how to structure what you have in a way that speaks to those people. Without these three skills, you just have facts. You are talking, but few are listening and no one is taking action. Because while facts are helpful to describe, they do little to inspire, empower or motivate your audience to respond.

These three skills are what I offer my clients to create powerful results.


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